A Healthy, Beautiful Landscape

A healthy green lawn and landscape are the envy of the neighborhood. At NutriLawn we specialize in beautiful landscapes. Let us help you make your yard shine!
Call us Today: 530.891.1551 | info@nutrilawn.net |
Helping the North State with Beautiful Lawns since 1982
Call us Today: 530.891.1551 | info@nutrilawn.net |
Californians love their lawns. Beside the obvious benefits of providing a fun space for families and pets to play, they also produce oxygen and cool our summer environments. NutriLawn has nurtured North State lawns for over 35 years. Our biological lawn program utilizes organic-based liquid and granular fertilizers to feed your turf and enrich your soils.
Our standard lawn care program includes six applications every 6-8 weeks during the growing season. This basic service includes fertilization, pre-emergent crabgrass preventers, and weed controls as necessary. Service calls and touch-ups are included, and we provide a newsletter filled with local tips and seasonal advice with each application. We also work to find the best remedies for lawn problems and encourage cultural practices (i.e. proper mowing, watering, etc.).
We strive to provide quality results at reasonable prices. Our service fee is based on your lawn’s size and starts at $65. We’ll gladly provide you with a FREE LAWN ANALYSIS and a price quote. Once you decide to begin service, you will not need to sign anything. NutriLawn has no written contracts and with your approval we will service your lawn until you contact us to cancel.
Cutworms, sod webworms, white grubs, and more. These turf insects act fast and wreak havoc on your lawns. They can cause significant damage if left unchecked. Our technicians have been trained to identify these pests and we have appropriate treatment plans available. Prices start at $65.
Even with conscientious maintenance, North State summers can wreak havoc on your lawn. Heat stress, turf type, mowing practices, and irrigation methods can open the door to pathogenic fungi, which can degrade your lawn's appearance literally overnight. Our trained technicians can identify and treat local lawn diseases, providing relief for you and your lawn. Our prices start at $75 for local lawns (please call for out of town pricing.)
Southern Blight, a destructive disease in many North State lawns, overwinters as a tiny seed-like survival structure (sclerotia) and attacks susceptible lawns in the summer. If you've had it before, chances are you'll get it again. We offer a unique program that utilizes 3 periodic summer treatments of a specific fungicide which is effective at minimizing damage done by this particular disease. Please call if you are interested.